Friuli Venezia Giulia wines

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Merlot "Borgo Tesis" DOC
product out of stock
Merlot "FUSCO" DOC
product out of stock
Merlot "Ros di Buri" DOC
product out of stock
Merlot "Vigna Dominin" DOC
product out of stock
Merlot DOC
product out of stock
Merlot DOC
product out of stock
Nèstri DOC
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Passito "Tal Luc"
product out of stock
Picolit "Cumins" DOC
product out of stock
Picolit 2003 DOC in Wooden Box
product out of stock
Picolit DOCG
product out of stock
Picolit DOCG
product out of stock
Picolit DOCG
product out of stock
Pignolo "Eldoro" DOC
product out of stock
Pignolo DOC
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Pignolo Rosazzo DOC
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Pinot Bianco DOC
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Pinot Grigio "Borgo Tesis" DOC
product out of stock
Pinot Grigio "Braide Grande" DOC
product out of stock
Pinot Grigio "Gris" DOC
product out of stock
Pinot Grigio DOC
product out of stock
Pinot Grigio DOC
product out of stock
Pinot Grigio DOC
product out of stock
Pinot Grigio DOC
product out of stock
Pinot Grigio DOC
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Pinot Grigio DOC
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Pinot Grigio Ramato DOC BIO
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Pinot Nero Vie di Romans DOC
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Prosecco Millesimato DOC Extra Brut Rosé
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Refosco "Vigna Dominin" DOC
product out of stock
Refosco "Vigna Dominin" DOC
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Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso
product out of stock
Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso "RONCO DEI MORERI"
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Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso DOC
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Ribolla Gialla
product out of stock
Ribolla Gialla
product out of stock
Ribolla Gialla "TREBES" DOC
product out of stock
Ribolla Gialla DOC
product out of stock
Ribolla Gialla DOC
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Riesling "Afix"
product out of stock
Rosato Venezia Giulia
product out of stock
Rosé Igt
product out of stock
product out of stock
product out of stock
Sauvignon "Borgo Tesis" DOC
product out of stock
Sauvignon "Picol" DOC
product out of stock
Sauvignon "Ronco del Cero" DOC
product out of stock
Sauvignon "Ronco delle Mele" DOC
product out of stock
Sauvignon DOC
product out of stock
Sauvignon DOC
product out of stock
Sauvignon DOC
product out of stock
Schioppettino "TURIAN" DOC
product out of stock
Schioppettino DOC
product out of stock
Selection 6 Wines of Friuli
product out of stock
Selection 6 Wines of Friuli
product out of stock
Selezione 6 Vini Friulani
product out of stock
Spumante Ribolla Gialla Brut
product out of stock
Spumante Ribolla Gialla Brut
product out of stock
Traminer Aromatico
product out of stock
Traminer Aromatico DOC
product out of stock