The word “PERTICAIA” used in the archaic language of Umbria is used to indicate the plow which is that tool that more than another marks the passage from the pastoralism to the agriculture. Exactly this connection with the land and the deep rootedness to the territory are the reasons of the name of the winery given by Guido Guardigli. This winery has always been care about the ancient teaching, the present dynamics and so it is always projected to even more ambitious future goals. The same philosophy which marked and goes with the professional history of Guardigli, rich of extraordinary experiences but at the same time dynamic, passionate always looking for the best result ever. The company is located in the middle of the green Umbria within cultivated hills of vines and olive trees all surrounded by towers, hamlets and Middle Age castles. It has fifteen hectares of vineyard of which seven are cultivated with Sagrantino vine, four with Sangiovese, two with Colorino, two with Trebbiano Spoletino and finally one hectare of Grechetto in addition to 250 olive trees. All the territories are located on light slopes, at 300-350 meters above the sea level and exposed at south, south-west. The Perticaia tradition consists of a manual grape harvest, and lately the grapes are brought to the cellar. The fermentation occurs naturally thanks to the use of indigene yeasts which means naturally present in the peels. Since always, the goal of the cellarer is the production of wines with their own grapes, with local vines which means those vines that the ambient has selected and shaped to transmit to all of us its originality and personality. The aging of the wines takes place in little French oak barrels.