La Toledana is a farm owned by the Martini family, located in Gavi, an area chosen for the production of Gavi, the largest Piedmontese white wine. The company takes its name from the historic villa that dominates its estate of courtly vineyards. The production of La Toledana is exclusively by Gavi, declined in all the variations that the skill of the winemakers of the company can create. The Toledana, built in the mid-500 by the noble Genoese Imperial family, then passed to the Lercari and then to the Cambiaso. L’origine del nome Toleda deriva dal fatto che le torri sembrano due groppe, in greco “Tulon” (gibboso), da cui si ebbe “Tuledon” ingentilito in Toleda, poi Toledana. The structure is that of the rural villa, but with harmony and Renaissance elegance: the solution of the central courtyard that is accessed from the entrance is in fact a typical element of the city buildings, difficult to find in the countryside. The building is vast and linear, with two symmetrical towers at the rear. Until the end of the 19th century the building lacked the second floor, built by the Cambiaso together with the third floor of the towers, respecting the original ancient project. The left wing towards Gavi, which enjoys a splendid view, serves as a noble area in the absence of a large central hall. On the front is remarkable the marble coat of arms of the Cambiaso. The chapel, on the right side, has a baroque altar and a small bell tower visible on the roof: once it was dedicated to Santa Maria, now to Madonna della Misericordia. The Toledana and the nearby Centuriona have had remarkable importance, confirmed by the presence in all the geographical maps from the end of the '500 to '700.