
The Società Cooperativa Agricola Elorina was founded in 1978 with the aim of giving to the growers to this extreme southern tip of Sicily, the hope of being able to create a significant economic structure.The winery has had major transformations from its foundation and its initial production of "blending wines" has gradually transformed and now vinifies quality wines and very much appreciated, including six DOC. The sun of these lands, particularly calcareous soils that do not require irrigation, together with the choices of the best vines, create traditional wines that are expression of a land of colors, smells and tastes unmistakable.

Region Sicily (Italy)
Year established 1983
Wines produced Nero d'Avola Frappato Igt Nero d'Avola Doc , Nero d'Avola Syrah Igt, Moscato di Noto Doc, Passito di Noto DOC, Pachino Doc e Pachino Riserva Doc
Address Cantina Elorina- Rosolini (SR) - Contrada Belliscala km. 7
wines of the winery Elorina
Nero d'Avola Frappato
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Nero d'Avola
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Nero d'Avola Syrah
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Nero d'Avola "Terre di Sicilia"
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Nero d'Avola DOC
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Nero d'Avola DOC
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Rosato DOC "ELORO"
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Moscato di Noto Naturale 2009 DOC
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Pachino DOC
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Passito di Noto DOC
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Moscato di Noto DOC Liquoroso
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Moscato di Noto DOC Secco
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Moscato di Noto Liquoroso DOC
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Eloro Pachino Riserva DOC
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